CEM Microwave Drying System
The SAM 255™ is a cutting-edge microwave drying system designed for rapid moisture analysis or as a preparatory step for further analysis. Capable of drying up to 1kg of samples in minutes, it dramatically reduces drying times compared to traditional oven methods. The system effectivelydries a wide range of materials, utilizing microwave energy to remove volatile components, including water and polar organic compounds, while avoiding issues with reflected power common in conventional microwave ovens.
The SAM 255™ is a cutting-edge microwave drying system designed for rapid moisture analysis or as a preparatory step for further analysis. Capable of drying up to 1kg of samples in minutes, it dramatically reduces drying times compared to traditional oven methods. The system effectivelydries a wide range of materials, utilizing microwave energy to remove volatile components, including water and polar organic compounds, while avoiding issues with reflected power common in conventional microwave ovens.
The SAM 255™ accelerates drying processes, allowing for the ultra-fast drying of large samples—up to 1kg. It can simultaneously dry multiple samples, ensuring efficiency without compromising accuracy. With precise, repeatable results, this system is ideal for applications like paint and coating drawdowns, as well as other sample types requiring rapid moisture removal.
Equipped with an intuitive touchscreen interface, the system allows for precise parameter adjustments, optimizing drying conditions for different sample types. The ability to dry multiple samples simultaneously enhances laboratory efficiency.