Elva X Pro XRF Benchtop Spectrometer

The ElvaX Pro EDXRF spectrometer is a next-generation benchtop X-ray fluorescence analyzer, delivering unmatched accuracy, speed, and detection limits for elements from Na (Z=11) to U (Z=92). Equipped with a 60kV, 1000 µAmp X-ray tube and an ultra-large area Fast SDD detector, it excels in analyzing solids, powders, and liquids, making it an essential tool for demanding users.

Elva X Pro XRF Benchtop Spectrometer
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Elva X Pro XRF Benchtop Spectrometer

The ElvaX Pro EDXRF spectrometer is a next-generation benchtop X-ray fluorescence analyzer, delivering unmatched accuracy, speed, and detection limits for elements from Na (Z=11) to U (Z=92). Equipped with a 60kV, 1000 µAmp X-ray tube and an ultra-large area Fast SDD detector, it excels in analyzing solids, powders, and liquids, making it an essential tool for demanding users.

Rapid Analysis

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High Throughput – Over 500,000 cps analysis speed.
60 kV Tube – Analyzes rare earth and high-energy elements.
2000 µA Current – Enhances light element accuracy and detection.
Motorized Collimator – Enables precise small-spot analysis.
Helium Purge – Increases sensitivity for light elements significantly.
Sample Changer – 16-position for improved lab productivity.

Designed for demanding labs, the ElvaX Pro features a 16-position automatic sample changer and a sample spinner for inhomogeneous materials, maximizing efficiency. Its helium purge system boosts sensitivity for light elements like Na, Mg, and Al. Combined with a high-resolution CCD camera for precise sample positioning and stable calibration, this spectrometer ensures reliable, high-quality analysis.

Laboratory Efficiency

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