UV-VIS Spectrophotometer UV1000

The Labindia UV-VIS Spectrophotometer UV1000 features advanced dual monochromator technology, making it ideal for various applications in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and food safety. It offers wireless control and data acquisition via a Tablet PC, enhancing laboratory mobility. With temperature-controlled cell holders and nitrogen-purged optics, it ensures precise measurements.

UV-VIS Spectrophotometer UV1000
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UV-VIS Spectrophotometer UV1000

The Labindia UV-VIS Spectrophotometer UV1000 features advanced dual monochromator technology, making it ideal for various applications in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and food safety. It offers wireless control and data acquisition via a Tablet PC, enhancing laboratory mobility. With temperature-controlled cell holders and nitrogen-purged optics, it ensures precise measurements.


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Double Beam Double Monochromator with variable Band Width (0.1nm - 5.0nm) and wavelength range 185 to 900 nm
Absorbance range : ±6Abs /  ±8.0Abs
Stray light :
Integrating Sphere :  60mm/100mm/150mm(solid & Powder Samples)
PMT detector with D2 Lamp and W Lamp 
Automatic 8 Cell Changer (Fully PC controlled) 

Equipped with Wi-Fi technology, the UV1000 allows wireless control and data acquisition from a tablet PC, offering analysts the freedom to move within the lab while seamlessly monitoring sample measurements. Its thermostatic cell holders provide precise temperature control for consistent results.


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